14.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 21.08.2013

Rules of conducting the Register of Aerodrome Ground Equipment (RLUN)

In accordance with the provisions of the amended Act "Aviation Law" the following aerodrome equipment (LUN) which is used to protect the operating air navigation shall be written into the Register of Aerodrome Ground Equipment (LUN):


1 communications equipment (COM);
2 radio navigation equipment (NAV);
3 Localization / surveillance radar / (SUR);
4 Visual aids of navigation (VAN) (a separate register provided by the Department of Airports);
5 automated measurement of meteorological parameters (MET);
6 devices and systems for the processing and display of data (DP).

Rules for writing into RLUN

The initiator of the inclusion of aviation ground equipment in the Register of Aerodrome Ground Equipment or change to the entry in the Register is a management of the device that shall submit to the President of the Civil Aviation Authority as follows:

1 "The application for an allocation number in RLUN" doc plik do pobrania 44.50 Kb
2 "Application for entry to the RLUN" with the appropriate attachments doc plik do pobrania 81.50 Kb
3 "An application for a change in the entry in RLUN" with the appropriate attachments doc plik do pobrania 82.00 Kb

Application for assignment RLUN number (for LUN which are required to obtain a radio license) should include:


1) the name, class and type of LUN;
2) The serial number of the LUN, if one has been assigned;
3) the applicant details, including the name and address;
4) the name of the manufacturer of the LUN;
5) the destination LUN;
6) Category 1-3 LUN, where was given;
7) Place of Use LUN, including the geographical coordinates;
8) The LUN identification mark, if one has been assigned;
9), the planned start and end of LUN life;


Application for entry RLUN should contain all the information contained in the application for allocation of the number:


1 assigned number in RLUN;
2 technical characteristics of the LUN doc plik do pobrania 45.50 Kb;
3 radio license (issued by the President of UKE) - if applicable;
4 Managing a statement of the conditions of release LUN to service;
5 confirmation of completion and putting into use LUN, according to the Construction Law - if applicable;
6 confirmation of the applicant's right to use immovable properties on which LUN will be installed and used;
7 confirmation of payment for entry to RLUN, according to the - Aviation Law Act, Section of Air fees, Table 1, Part III, Section 3.13. No action 34Link to an extract from Table 1 in the amount of aviation fees for writing the aerodrome ground equipment into the RLUN:

The fee should be paid to Civil Aviation Authority account:
31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000Title: "Writing into RLUN” (specify type and type of LUN) / Table 1, Part. III, paragraph 3.13. Part. 34"

doc plik do pobrania 51.00 Kb

The current fee is specified in the published on 15-02-2013 in the Polish Monitor the item. 80 - notice of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy on 14-02-2013 declaring the rates of aviation fees in 2013.Link to the text of the notice:


Allocation of number in RLUN

The formal basis for allocating the LUN number in the RLUN the adoption of LUN user
Application for an allocation number in RLUN.Allocation of number in RLUN follows:


1 Confirmation of the completeness of the documents;
2 Confirmation of the accuracy of the information contained in the above documents.
Checking the completeness and correctness of the data is performed by the competent inspector in his area of ​​competence.


Appropriate inspector in the Department of Air Navigation is:


1 in the field of communications - communications inspector,
2 in navigation - navigation inspector,
3 in the field of surveillance and data processing - surveillance inspector,
4 in the field of meteorology – meteorological inspector.


In terms of aerodrome ground equipment outside the jurisdiction of the Department of Air Navigation relevant inspector shall be appointed by the Director of the organizational unit in which competence is a LUN data.

Writing the LUN into RLUN

Entering the aerodrome ground equipment COM, NAV, SUR, DP and MET to RLUN or changing the entry of these devices in RLUN is made upon the request of the LUN in accordance with LUN management of the register of COM, NAV, SUR, DP and MET doc plik do pobrania 168.00 Kb

Entering the VAN aerodrome ground equipment to RLUN or changing the entry of these devices in RLUN is made upon request of the LUN user in accordance with LUN management requirements of the Director of the Department of Airports of the register in the field of Van


Entering the LUN to RLUN possible after confirmation by the appropriate inspector in the areas of:


1. the completeness of the documents,
2.the veracity of the information contained in the documents, including those related to:
a) compliance LUN name, user, manufacturer and installer of LUN institutions
b) the accuracy of the coordinates of mounting LUN
3. meeting the LUN requirements of Regulation MTBiGM on the airport ground and record the checks LUN.


After positive verification by a competent inspector of the above points shall prepare a draft "Decision of the President of the CAA of entry LUN to RLUN" and the project "Decision of the President of the CAA to change the entry in the RLUN".


If LUN do not meet the requirements proper inspector shall prepare a draft "Decision of the President of the CAA to refuse entry to RLUN ".


Decisions on the signing by the President or by an authorized person shall be sent to the applicant.


The structure of a number in RLUN


Number in RLUN consists of the following six elements separated right slash (/):


Class LUN:
1 COM - for communications equipment;
2 SUR - for equipment surveillance (radar);
3 NAV - for radio navigation aids;
4 MET - for meteorological equipment *;
5 VAN - for visual navigation aids **;
6 DP - processing systems and data visualization.


Type of entry:
1 N - denotes new entry;
2 M - mean modification / change entry.


Category of LUN exploitation :
1 B - indicates that the device can be used without restrictions;
2 Z - means that the device can be used with restrictions.


Number in RLUN:
1 0000 - 0999 - for communications equipment;
2 1000 - 1999 - for radio navigation aids;
3 2000 - 2999 - for surveillance equipment and systems, processing and visualization;
4 3000 - 3999 - for a visual navigation aid **;
5 4000 - 4999 - for meteorological equipment *.


Number of the next modification of the entry.

Year of entry / modification.


Sample number RLUN: SUR/N/B/2030/0/2012 is a new entry for radar equipment (surveillance), operated without restriction, which was entered for the first time to RLUN at number 2030 in the year 2012.




* Entry meteorological equipment  to RLUN is carried out by Supervision MET and AIS Inspectors

** Entry visual aids to RLUN  is carried out by the Aerodrome Department Inspectors .



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