30.09.2023 Aktualizacja: 08.01.2024

Receipt of the licence by proxy

The proxy may collect the licence. He/she must provide:

1.    original power of attorney

download file

2.    confirmation of payment of stamp duty in the amount of PLN 17 to the following account:

Centrum Obsługi Podatnika

m. st. Warszawy,

ul. Obozowa 57

01-161 Warszawa

SWIFT CODE: CITIPLPX IBAN: PL 21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070

Payment title: "stamp duty for submitting a power of attorney to collect the licence (first name and last name of the holder)"

3.    previous licence (if required)

4.    own, valid identity document with a photo, consistent with the data contained in the power of attorney submitted to the CAA.


Receipt of the licence and medical certificate by proxy

The proxy may collect the licence and medical certificate. He/she must provide:

1.    original power of attorney

download file

2.    confirmation of payment of stamp duty in the amount of PLN 17 to the following account:

Centrum Obsługi Podatnika

m. st. Warszawy,

ul. Obozowa 57

01-161 Warszawa

SWIFT CODE: CITIPLPX IBAN: PL 21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070

Payment title: "stamp duty for submitting a power of attorney to collect the licence and medical certificate (first name and last name of the holder)"

3.    previous licence (if required)

4.    own, valid identity document with a photo, consistent with the data contained in the power of attorney submitted to the CAA

5.    original signed statement from the pilot

download file

Licences and/or medical certificates issued after the transfer (change of licence administration country) from one of the countries of the European Union, the Swiss Confederation or an EEA country should be collected at the Aviation Personnel Register in Warsaw.

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