06.09.2013 Aktualizacja: 06.09.2013

Consultation between aviation authorities of the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Korea

A two-day consultation between Polish and Korean aviation authorities on amendments to the bilateral agreement on air services, signed in Seoul on 14 October 1991 has ended. The head of the Korean delegation was Mr. Suh, Hoon Taik, Director General for Aviation at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea. The Polish side was represented by Mr. Piotr Ołowski President of the Civil Aviation Authority.

 Agreed changes are aimed at bringing the provisions of the Agreement in compliance with European Union law. These amendments include the designation of air carriers, operating licenses, aviation safety, fair competition and ground handling. In addition, the parties have agreed to increase the number of passenger operations on the routes specified in the Agreement and to put the provisions on the cooperation of air carriers regarding the code share agreements.









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