26.09.2013 Aktualizacja: 26.09.2013

38th Session of the ICAO Assembly in Montreal has begun

On September 24 2013 38th Session of the of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly began in Montreal. The Assembly is participated by delegation from Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Poland. Piotr Ołowski - President of the Civil Aviation Authority and Ms. Małgorzata Polkowska - Polish candidate in elections to the Council of ICAO.

During the Opening Ceremony guests and speakers were Mr. John Baird - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Mrs. Pauline Maraois - Premier of Quebec , Mr. Laurent Blanchard – The Mayor of Montreal and by video link Mr. Ban Ki-moon - Secretary-General of the United Nations. After the Opening Ceremony the Main press conference was held, moderated by Mr. Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez - President of the ICAO Council and Raymond Benjamin - Secretary General of ICAO. After the meeting with reporters, the conference on air cargo was held, which was also led by Mr. Raymond Benjamin. The participants of 38th Session of the Assembly will discuss two ICAO development plans of aviation safety and air traffic for the next 15 years. These plans will have a significant impact on the safe and efficient management of air transport in view of the projected doubling of the world’s passenger and cargo market in 2030. In addition, the Assembly will be attended by representatives of the World Customs Organization, who will present solutions to improve cargo security without adding delay or stop the trade.

The Assembly will also deal with the issue of climate change and emissions in the international civil aviation and will check if the objectives set at the 37th Session of the Assembly were met and will develop a plan for the next three years. An important event during the Assembly will be elections to the ICAO Council, in which one of the candidates is Poland. Delegates will decide which country will obtain the prestigious honor of performing a permanent representative to the Council of ICAO for the next three years. The 36-seat Council serves as ICAO’s governing executive body in the period between its triennial assemblies. The recording of the Opening Ceremony 38 Session of the Assembly is available on the official youtube channel of ICAO.


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