10.02.2014 Aktualizacja: 11.02.2014

Infographics - Statistics concerning CAA activities in 2013

The Civil Aviation Authority supervises and regulates the area of civil aviation. Due to the rapid growth of aviation, the number of entities which should be supervised is increasing (including holders of licenses, certificates, etc.) The tasks of the CAA are strictly defined in the Aviation Law Act, but the most important task of the Authority is to ensure the safety of civil aviation, performing inspections and audits of air operators, in order to ensure that they operate properly and in accordance with the law. The following infographics present the statistics of activities of the CAA in 2013 and include the number of issued flight crew licenses, certificates of competence and certificates for aviation entities.


licencje 2011 2013 EN

swiadectwa 2011 2013 EN

certyfikaty en

 skargi 2011 2013 en

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