27.02.2014 Aktualizacja: 27.02.2014

Polish activities during the second phase of 201th Session of the ICAO Council

In Montreal the council phase of the 201th Session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO ) takes place. The Polish delegation - Mr. Piotr Ołowski President of the Civil Aviation Authority and the Permanent Representative of the Council Dr. Małgorzata Polkowska have participated in the several meetings during the following days.

On February 25, an informal briefing of the Council took place, during which there were presented the proposed changes in the structure of the Organization and the possible introduction of the new post of Deputy Secretary General. Delegations were asked to give comments on the proposed changes. Polish delegation representing the position of the CERG member stated has not made any comment on this issue and supported the presented changes. ICAO Secretary General announced that the restructuring of the organization will be discussed before the Council and invited the Representatives to address all the additional questions, related to this matter to his office.

On 26 February there was held a second meeting of the Council within the framework of the second phase of 201 Session. The council members have discussed resolutions and decisions taken during the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and was presented with a report on the implementation of the transition plan of the Continuous Monitoring Approach. The Review of decisions and resolutions of the ICAO Assembly in the field of economic development of the air transport market was also presented. The President of the Civil Aviation Authority Mr. Piotr Ołowski referring to the presented document stated that a deadline for 2016 in terms of “developing an international agreement to liberalize air carrier ownership and control” is too distant. He stressed that this is one of the priorities of the European Union, and was recognized as a priority in the document presented at the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly. CAA President also reminded that no action has been taken yet on the creation of tools to provide an exchange forum for States to promote more compatible regulatory approaches in international air transport. He added that this point was also recognized as a priority of the European Union and the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).

At the end of the meeting there was presented a document containing a proposal for the establishment of a voluntary air transport fund ( TRAF). The main purpose of which would be to foster the development of a sound and economically-viable civil aviation system. The fund, which would be comprised of voluntary donations from States and stakeholders, would allow ICAO to better manage resources pertaining to the air transport work programme endorsed by the Council and Assembly under Strategic Objective D – Economic Development of Air Transport.

Mr. Piotr Ołowski again took the floor and stressed that the TRAF fund should be constructed and managed in such a way that countries that do not contribute to the fund have an equal status in ICAO as countries that provide funds.  He added that the projects realised under fund financing (especially under “specified contributions”) must not engage ICAO resources in the way that they will harm or delay projects being realised on a regular basis.

After completion of the second meeting of the Council, President of the CAA met with the President of the ICAO Council Dr. Benard Olumuyiwa Aliu.


President of the CAA with model of Polish designed Flaris LAR 1 aircraft which is displayed at the ICAO Headquarters in Montreal




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