14.03.2014 Aktualizacja: 17.03.2014

Meeting of Ad Hoc Working Group of TCC Committe and Environment Advisory Group

On 11 March 2014 in Montreal was held a second meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Technical Co-operation Committee (TCC). The participants of the meeting discussed the CAEP performance indicators, the organization of the training courses, regional seminars and conferences, and regional cooperation in the field of work of Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB). There were also presented the results of the satisfaction surveys determining the customer satisfaction and suitability of Bureau’s projects. Permanent Representative of Poland on the Council of ICAO, Dr. Małgorzata Polkowska presented a number of ideas for the improvement of TCB reports.

Dr. Polkowska proposed the implementation of time frame for all TCB projects and reducing costs. In addition, she stated that there should be more information provided on terminated projects and suggested the development of guidelines for the Member States which apply for the projects or seek detailed information. Members of the Group requested for an informal meeting during the next Session of the ICAO Council on the work and activities of the Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB) in practice. The main conclusion of the meeting is the need to improve the work and transparency of the Bureau, and ultimately increase satisfaction of the customers. The next meeting of the Group is scheduled at committee phase during the 202nd Sessions of the Council of ICAO.

On 13 March 2014, the second meeting of the Environment Advisory Group (EAG) preceded by a meeting of the coordination meeting of the European Union was held. During the meeting of the Group there was presented the EAG Group website, accessible to all members of the Council of ICAO. This was followed by the presentation of Strawman for a Global Market-Based Measure Scheme for international aviation. Representatives of BRIC countries expressed their concerns and asked questions about the document. The Representatives of the European Union presented their observations. During the meeting, the suggestion was established to synchronize the meetings of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) and the EAG Group. Present at the meeting experts from the USA and Canada expressed their opinions. The repporteur of the CAEP meeting in Washington reported on issues discussed during the meeting and informed of major developments in the work of the Committee.

Meeting of the EAG was the last in the 201st Session of the ICAO Council. The next EAG meeting will be held in April and May. The next 202nd Council Session in Montreal will begin on 6 May. Committee Phase of the Council will be held from 6 May to 16 May 2014 and Council Phase from 9 to 27 June 2014.







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