20.05.2014 Aktualizacja: 21.05.2014

President of the CAA at the Poznan Airport

On 15 May 2014 Mr Piotr Ołowski, President of the Civil Aviation Authority visited Poznan Airport in Ławica. During the visit, he visited, among others, the expanded passenger terminal and participated in a meeting with the Board.

"I plan to visit Polish airports to get to know them better, also from the point of view of management" - said President Ołowski. He added that he wanted to change the Authority and open it to the needs of airports, provide advice and assistance to entities managing regional airports. Hence the need to know their expectations. President Ołowski added that he would like to learn as much as possible about the problems and obstacles with which Polish airports have to deal everyday.

Members of the Board of Poznan Ławica Airport - President Mariusz Wiatrowski and Vice President Grzegorz Bykowski - had showed the President the expanded airport terminal and aerodrome. Topics discussed at the meeting included the structure of the passenger traffic, the forecast for 2014, the structure of airport charges under the new fees for air carriers and schedule coordination, introduced at the Airport at nights in the summer season.

Currently, the CAA have been proceeding the Poznan Airport certification. The members of the Board expressed appreciation for CAA inspectors for a very professional conduct of the certification procedure and audits.







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