27.06.2014 Aktualizacja: 03.07.2014

Conference on Civil Aviation Safety in the field of General Aviation (GA)

On 17 June 2014 at the Łazarski University the second part of the Conference on Civil Aviation Safety (General Aviation) was held. It is annually organised by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Poland. The first part of the conference which concerned the safety of the commercial air transportation combined with EASA Workshop took place on 15 May 2014.

In the Conference concerning General Aviation participated representatives of the aviation training centers and other aviation organizations, pilots and instructors. The conference was opened by the President of the Civil Aviation Authority Mr. Piotr Ołowski and dr Mieczysław Błoński - Vice President on Operations and Finance of the Lazarski University. President Ołowski thanked the participants and speakers for their presence, as well as Lazarski University for fruitful cooperation. He also presented initiatives that have been taken by the Authority in the field of general aviation, including the signing of a cooperation agreement between the CAA of the Republic of Poland and the CAA of the Czech Republic concerning among others functioning of the general aviation and aviation personnel licensing.
The conference was divided into three panels, after each of them questions of participants were answered and a discussion was conducted.

In the first panel, Mr. Piotr Michalak, Plenipotentiary on Safety Management made a presentation "Changes in safety management", then Piotr Kaczmarczyk, Head of the Inspectorate of Aviation Safety Management outlined the issues of level indicators of safety in general aviation. Later in the panel, Mr. Dariusz Sarnociński, Expert on Emergency Response Planning presented the application of Emergency Response Planning (ERP) for general aviation. Later Mr. Paweł Szymański - Chairman of the Committee on Unmanned Aircraft introduced the security aspects in the field of unmanned aircraft operations.

During the second panel, a representative of the State Commission on Aircraft Accident Investigation Mr. Andrzej Pussak and meteorology expert Mr. Maciej Ostrowski presented the selected events, and the impact on their occurrence due to bad weather conditions. As part of the second panel, Mr. Andrzej Styk Head of the Operational Services Inspectorate and General Aviation Aircraft outlined the framework of the new European regulations (NCO and NCC).

The last - third panel concerned the hazards of collisions with animals. The safety hazard in that matter was presented by Dr. Michał Skakuj, Vice-President of the Committee for aircraft collisions with animals. The liability for bird strikes was presented by Ms. Katarzyna Jaworek based on a presentation prepared with the participation of Dr. Anna Konert Vice-Dean of the Faculty for Scientific Development and International Iooperation at the Lazarski University.

The conference was closed by acting Vice President of the CAA Mr. Maciej Kozłowski who invited the participants for the next conference in the field of aviation safety.

We invite you to read the presentations presented during the conference (material in Polish)

pptxZmiany_w_Zarządzaniu_Bezpiczeństwem.pptx965.45 KB
pptWskaźniki_pioziomu_bezpieczeństwa_GA.ppt461.5 KB
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