09.10.2014 Aktualizacja: 10.10.2014

Statistics for air transport in the first half of 2014 - Infographics

The results of the first half of 2014 in air carriage from Polish airports should be considered as good. In the second quarter we observed similar increase in the number of passengers and the load factor of how it was in the first three months of the year. Passenger traffic in the second quarter of 2014 in Poland has increased by approx. 6.7%. Throughout the first half this value was slightly less, namely 6.6%. The increase in number of passengers were virtually unchanged despite the number of operations in the second quarter and a slight decrease in the number throughout the first half of 2014.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed infographics, that show the number of passengers at Polish airports in the first half of 2014.







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