18.12.2014 Aktualizacja: 18.12.2014

President of the CAA Piotr Ołowski nominated a Vice Chairman of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Management Board

On 8 December 2014, the President of the Civil Aviation Authority Mr Piotr Ołowski was elected a Vice Chairman of the Management Board of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Thus, the first Pole in history will guide the work of the Management Board of the Europe’s most important Agency which look after the safety and development of civil aviation. President Ołowski beat other candidates and was elected by a 2/3 majority on the first ballot. The nomination on such a prestigious position gives Poland a real influence on European and global policy for aviation safety, and the promotion of European aviation standards.

President Ołowski has been a member of the EASA Management Board on behalf of Polish CAA. This is another significant success of Poland in international aviation. Since October 2013, Poland for the first time in history has the Permanent Representative on the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - the world's most important aviation organization.

Vice-Chairman of the EASA Management Board shall represent the Agency worldwide and chairs the Board. "Nominating for the position of the Vice-Chairman in such an important institution for aviation is not only great prestige, but firstly and significant responsibility. Over the three years of his tenure as Vice-Chairman I will try to focus in particular on ensuring the safety of passengers, according to the motto of EASA, which is Your safety is our mission"- said President Ołowski. Poland is the first of the new EU member states, whose representative will chair the EASA MB. Previously, this function was only exercised by the French, British, Germans and Finns.

The European Aviation Safety Agency is an agency of the European Union established to carry out specific supervisory tasks and regulations in the field of aviation safety. The Agency plays a key part in the strategy development for the European Union and is responsible to introduce and maintain a high uniform level of civil aviation safety in Europe.

The main tasks of the EASA include, among others developing strategies for aviation safety, security management, certification of aeronautical products and supervision of approved aviation organizations and Member States. The Agency provides the highest level of aviation safety and environmental protection in aviation, prevent duplication of regulations and certification processes in the different Member States and facilitates the creation of the EU internal aviation market.

EASA also plays a leading role in shaping the EU's external policy relating to the provision of security in civil aviation through cooperation with the aeronautical authorities of the Member States and non-EU countries – e.g. Aviation Authorities of the United States, Canada and Brazil.

Poland has been participating in the work of the Agency since 2004.

easa vice chairman






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