27.05.2015 Aktualizacja: 31.05.2015

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has updated the State Safety Briefing for Poland

Civil Aviation Authority announces that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has prepared an updated ICAO State Safety Briefing for Poland in conjunction with the fulfillment of SSP GAP analyzes by the Civil Aviation Authority. According to the revised document Poland reached the second level in the implementation of the National Safety Program (SSP). Level two of four is required from signatories of the Chicago Convention at the current stage of implementation of the SSP according to ICAO rules.

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According to the ranking provided in the document:
from the 191 ICAO Member States - only 36 reached the level of 2 or higher,
from 53 countries in Europe - only 13 achieved level 2 or higher,
from 32 EASA countries - only 13 achieved level 2 or higher,
from 26 EU countries - only 9 reached level 2 or higher.

At the same time ICAO representative stressed out that the Polish results compared with those of other Member States are at a high level and in all tested areas Poland reached a positive result. The effective implementation indicator (EI) after a safety audit conducted by ICAO (USOAP CMA) was up to 87.64% compared to the global average - 62.81%, while the effective implementation of the suggested level contained in the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) is 60 %. At the same time, Poland has been classified as 10 out of 56 countries in the European Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG-EUR). The document also noted that Poland had not received any significant safety concerns (Significant Safety Concerns - SSCs) indicating that the State has not carried out adequate supervision ensuring effective implementation of ICAO standards. These objections may be issued in the area of operation,  air navigation services, airports, continuing airworthiness and licensing.


Federation of Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded the Poland with category 1 in International Aviation Safety Audit (IASA). Category 1 allows the Polish airline operators to perform operations to the United States of America. Poland also has no operational restrictions within the European airspace.

The document also compared the level of implementation of PBN (Perfomance-Based Navigation), which is currently a priority in the field of air navigation for the global aviation sector. PBN concept offers significant advantages, including improving safety by increasing airspace capacity, improving accessibility to airports, increase the efficiency of operations and reducing infrastructure costs and the impact on the environment. The 37th Session of the ICAO Assembly defined objectives in terms of the percentage of implementation, among others AVP and Baro-VNAV approaches. Polish international airports have 28 runways with instrumental approach, including 25 with the PBN approach. This means that the level of implementation of PBN in Poland is 89.29%. Only 15% of RASG-EUR countries have reached a score above 70%, which is set as the current target implementation.


The document also highlights the lack of fatal accidents from 2010 in commercial aviation in Poland in the class of aircraft above 5700 kg. There were no fatal accidents with the participation of Polish aviation operators outside the country during the same period.

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