28.05.2015 Aktualizacja: 31.05.2015

Celebrate the Children's Day at the Office of the Prime Minister

Where and how to spend the Children's Day? The best choice might be joining a family picnic at the gardens of the Prime Minister's Office in Warsaw. There have been prepared plenty of attractions and surprises for our little guests. This year we celebrate under the theme "House of Kids. Season 3. Safe children". The Civil Aviation Authority will also have its stand so we invite you to come on Sunday, May 31 from 10.00AM! The entry is free.
At the stand of the Civil Aviation Authority in tents Ministry of Infrastructure and Development kids will be able to see unmanned aerial vehicles and learn how and where to fly them safely, and take part in an art competition on "The safest aircraft of the future". The attractions for children have been prepared by the ministries and other cooperating institutions.

The programme of the event:

• traffic and advices for young cyclists,
• famous athletes advice on how to conduct sports safely,
• Doll and Teddy Bear Hospital - how to give first aid,
• university of young inventors, including molecular gastronomy,
• presentation of vehicles and equipment of military and police,
• a meeting with volunteers and dogs from the Paluch’s shelter,
• healthy foods for young gourmands,
• culinary workshops,
• attractions of the Copernicus Science Centre,
• demonstrations of robots and drones,
• workshops and face painting,
• inflatable playground,
• sports games,
• 5D cinema,
• photographs at photo booths,

We invite you to gardens of Prime Minister's Office from 10.00 to 16.00 from the Al. Ujazdowskie side. More information can be found on the website of the Prime Minister’s Office.


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