15.06.2015 Aktualizacja: 29.06.2015

Delayed or Cancelled flight? - know your rights before you travel

Over the past 10 years, passenger traffic in Poand more than tripled. Reasonable ticket prices and a wide range of airlines have made it increasingly easy yo fly more often. Unfortunately, sometimes for various reasons our flights may be delayed or canceled. Before you choose a holiday destination worth exploring first learn the passenger rights.


In Case of delay, cancellation or denied boarding against the will of the passenger the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation No 261 in 2004 could apply. According to the statistics conducted by the Civil Aviation Authority the most common cause of complaints are delays. Accordingly, in the first place we should realize that we have rights when our flight is delayed. First of all, the carrier must give each passenger a written notice setting out the rules for minimum passenger rights, including the right to compensation and assistance consisting in the provision of adequate food and drinks to the waiting time and providing accommodation if the departure takes place the next day. The passenger is also entitled to compensation for lost time, but only if the plane is delayed through the fault of the carrier by at least three hours. The amount of compensation is determined by the length of the flight. It can be from 250 to 600 euros depending on the length of the route.

The request for compensation should be submitted in the first instance with the carrier. If the airline refuses to pay compensation you can come up with a complaint to the Commission on Passenger Rights, which is established within the Civil Aviation Authority. This is important because only after having opened the complaint procedure with the airline the CAA could be requested to check if the carrier breached the provisions of EU legislation. You can complain to the Commission on Passenger Rights after the 30 days from submitting the complaint to the air carrier. You should attach the copy of that complaint, a copy of the reply given by the air carrier or indication that, despite the expiry of 30 days the reply to the complaint has not been granted and a copy of your booking confirmation of the flight.

However, in the case when aircraft was canceled passenger has the right to get refund of the full cost of the ticket within seven days or rerouting. If the passenger have not been informed on cancellation 14 days prior to departure or has been advised in a shorter period and the carrier has not offered him an alternative flight at the time specified by the relevant rules, he is entitled to monetary damages in the amount of 250 to 600 euros. However, he is not entitled to compensation if the flight was canceled due to reasons beyond the control of the carrier, such as, among others, bad weather, strike at the airport or unstable political situation.

If the airline refuses passenger to board the aircraft - he is entitled to compensation (from 250 to 600 Euros - depending on the length of the route) and return (within 7 days), the full cost of the ticket or rerouting. The carrier is also required to take care of the passenger, or provide him with meals and refreshments appropriate to the waiting time, allow execution of two telephone calls, send two fax messages or e-mails. If the departure will be the next day - the carrier is obliged to provide accommodation in a hotel (with shuttle connections to hotel and return transport to the airport).

Knowledge of regulations that govern the cases of delays or cancellation of flights is very important. With this knowledge, we can minimize the stress associated with this unexpected situation.


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