14.04.2015 Aktualizacja: 30.04.2015

Workshop "Awareness of the requirements"

On 9-10 April 2015 at the headquarters of Civil Aviation Authority the Workshop "Awareness of the requirements" took place. The workshop was organized in place of the annual Spring Conference on Civil Aviation Safety. According to new formula initiated by the CAA, workshops were designed to stir the most critical issues relating to the regulation and the activities of the supervised entities with active participation of the participants. The conference will take place in the end of October in order to summarize the aviation season, discuss the risks and provide the results of safety investigations by State Investigation Commission on Aviation Accidents.

Topics of the workshop:

1. Organisation of the air show - Tadeusz Grono, Joanna Putz
2. Reporting of the Air Occurances - Janusz Strzelczyk, Piotr Kaczmarczyk
3. SMS Safety Indicators - Piotr Łaciński, Piotr Kaczmarczyk
4. Emergency Response Plans (ERP) - Dariusz Sarnociński
5. Aviation in the media - Marta Chylińska, Mateusz Kotliński
6. Supervision of the Air Training Organizations - Krzysztof Miłkowski
7. NCO/SPO, SPO-HR - Andrzej Styk/ Jarosław Błaszczykowski
8. Establishment of aerodromes - Elżbieta Konieczna, Arkadiusz Gmurzyński, Marek Ruchlewicz
9. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Paweł Szymański

The workshop was attended by representatives of aviation organizations - including aviation training centers, airports, airlines, pilots and other users of the airspace. The new workshop formula required the smaller groups of participants and increased activity and interaction during the meetings.  The emphasis was placed on practical aspects of the discussed issues.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the presentations given at the Workshop (in Polish language).

pdfERP_material_doradczy_Dariusz_Sarnocinski.pdf3.72 MB

pdfNadzor_ATO_Krzysztof_Milkowski.pdf1.01 MB

pdfNCO_Pokazy_lotnicze_965_wymagania_Andrzej_Styk.pdf775.43 KB

pdfNCO_SPO_Wyciag_z_przepisow_dotyczacych_lotow_akrobacyjnych_Jarosław_Blaszczykowski.pdf479.29 KB

pdfLotnictwo_w_mediach_Marta_Chylinska_Mateusz_Kotlinski.pdf400.53 KB

pdfPokazy_lotnicze_Tadeusz_Grono_Joanna_Putz.pdf6.86 MB

pdfRozporzadzenie_Komisji_UE_2015.pdf699.41 KB

pdfSMS_Wskazniki_Piotr_Lacinski.pdf595.46 KB

pdfSMS_Wstep_Piotr_Lacinski.pdf644.51 KB

pdfSPI_Wskazniki_bezpieczenstwa.pdf480.93 KB

pdfUlatwienia_przy_zakladaniu_ladowisk_Elzbieta_Konieczna.pdf613.29 KB

pptWskazniki_bezpieczenstwa.ppt220 KB

docWzorzec_INOP_ladowiska_PAZP_listopad_2013.doc157.5 KB

pdfZakladanie_ladowisk_wytyczne_parametrow__Arkadiusz_Gmurzynski.pdf3.52 MB














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