14.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 21.08.2013

Legal acts regarding CNS

Legal framework for CNS, aerodrome ground equipment

International legal acts:

The Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago dated. 07/12/1944 (Dz.U.59 No. 35, item. 212 with later. Amended).
Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation - Aeronautical Telecommunications, including:


  • Volume I "radio navigation aids"
  • Volume II "communication procedures"
  • Volume III "aeronautical communications systems"

part I "Digital data transmission systems",

part II "system voice"

  • Volume IV "surveillance systems and collision avoidance"
  • Volume V, "The use of the radio frequency”


National legislation

Law of 3-07-2002 - Aviation Law (OJ 2012 pos. 933)
Law of 8-12-2006 at Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (Dz.U.2006 No 249, pos. 1829)
Regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy of 12-12-2012 on aerodrome equipment (Dz. U. 2013 pos. 121)
Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure dated. 26-03-2009 on detailed rules for the aeronautical telecommunications activities (Dz. U. 2009 No. 58, item. 479)
Regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy dated. 16.05.2012 amending Regulation on detailed rules for the aeronautical telecommunications activities (Dz. U. dated.
06/04/2012, pos. 524)



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