Giving indications of the location for the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) or for the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN).
According to the regulation of Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy dated. 16.05.2012 amending Regulation on detailed rules for the aeronautical telecommunications activities (Dz. U. dated. 06/04/2012 pos. 524 marks of the location (location Indicators) allowing the identification of the aeronautical fixed service station or stations aviation fixed telecommunication network grants the President of the Civil Aviation Authority upon written request to the President of the Civil Aviation drawn up by the air navigation service provider or by the airport management.
The form of the request for the location indicator is available for download at the following link:
plik do pobrania 45.50 Kb
Marking the location consists of a differentiator "EP" (E = Northern Europe, P = Poland) and the following unique mark of the city.
The decision granting the location indicator is advertised in the Official Journal of the Civil Aviation Authority. President of the CAA shall notify the ICAO for granted and plotted the location markings.
ICAO publishes a quarterly locations given in the document Doc. 7910.
Department of Air Navigation shall keep a register of designations conferred location for Polish stations.