14.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 01.08.2016

406MHz beacon testing

Testing the Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT-406MHz EPIRB-PLB may be held according to the following methods:

  • Use the test SELF-TEST switch on the transmitter’s cover;
  • Use one of the two protocols of transmitter encode: Test User Protocol or Test Location Protocol;
  • The activation of an Emergency Locator Transmitter in operating mode, the so-called. LIVE TEST.


Use the test SELF-TEST switch on the transmitter’s cover.


Application of the test SELF-TEST and switching the switch on the transmitter’ cover does not result in a sending danger signal by the transmitter itself.


SELF-TEST allows only "self-test" of the Emergency Locator Transmitter and perform a test on the emergency on frequency 121.5MHz.


Use one of the two encoding protocols of the transmitter: Test User Protocol or Test Location Protocol


Using the test transmitter during the Test User Protocol or Test Location Protocol requires on the test time change of encoding of the ELT.


The signal is sent by the ELT, which is received by the satellite components of the COSPAS-SARSAT, identified as a test signal and sent to the search and rescue services of the Member State in whose territory the danger signal transmitter test is performed


Which encryption protocol shall be used for the duration of the test:


  • Test User Protocol - for transmitters that do not have the ability to send geographical coordinates;
  • Test Location Protocol - for transmitters that have the ability to transmit coordinates.

Activating the emergency transmitter in operating mode, the so-called. LIVE TEST

Due to the specific nature of the LIVE TEST should be kept to a minimum, because the activation of the emergency transmitter in operating mode stimulates beginning to start the action and conduct of search and rescue.When performing LIVE TEST the ELT transmitter sends a signal that is received by the satellite components of the COSPAS-SARSAT, identified as a danger signal and sent search and rescue services of the Member State in whose territory there was a danger signal activating the transmitter.

Additional information

With the exception of performing self-test, each test of the ELT requires the consent of the competent territorial Mission Control Center (Mission Control Center-MCC) COSAPAS-SARSAT system.


Civil Aviation Authority is acting as an Agency cooperating with the International COSPAS-SARSAT Programme and therefore all the information that you need to test emergency transmitter must be submitted no later than three days prior to the intended test. Such information should include:contact


  • contact to the person responsible for carrying out the test;
  • information about the type, manufacturer, model and serial number of a danger signal transmitter used in the test;
  • 15 hexadecimal identification code of the transmitter;
  • information about the location of the test: the date, the planned start and end of the test, and as far as possible - the coordinates of where the test will be performed by the transmitter;
  • reason of the test


Such prepared information about the test is passed by the Civil Aviation Authority to properly territorial Mission Control Center COSAPAS-SARSAT system, as well as the Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC Warsaw) as the body responsible for planning, coordinating and supervising the search and rescue carried out by mobile units search and rescue aircraft (ASAR services) throughout the FIR Warsaw.In case if there is an unintentional activation of the transmitter danger signal - activation is not associated with the real threat - with the situation immediately inform ARCC Warsaw. ARCC Warsaw Contact information is available in the AIP Poland, as well as on the website of the Civil Aviation Authority.
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Remember that:


  • ELT transmitter test should not be performed too often, as it affects the status of the battery;
  • ELT transmitter test is not carried out within five minutes after full hour - it already belongs to the history of aviation;
  • ELT transmitter test should last about 15-20 minutes. Only then it is possible to check whether the danger signal transmitter sends a signal of danger. Not applicable to SELF-TEST;
  • information about the scheduled transmitter test shall be sent to the Civil Aviation Authority. Not applicable to SELF-TEST.


If you have additional questions related to the testing of a Cospas-Sasat 406 MHz distress beacons, please contact:Air Navigation Department/Tel: 22-520-72-27 E-mail:







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