14.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 18.03.2024

406MHz beacon registration

Register of the Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT-406MHz EPIRB-PLB is conducted at the request of the owner / operator, based on the registration form, along with the statements:

  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • Beacon not registered in the register kept by the competent authority of another State.

The correctness of the data provided in the form and declarations must be confirmed by the signature of the owner / user of a danger signal transmitter.


Prior to registration, the owner / operator of the transmitter must have a valid radio license or apply for a radio license to the Office of Electronic Communications.


Completed and signed: the form and the statement must be sent to:

Civil Aviation Authority
Air Navigation Department
Marcina Flisa 2 Street, 02-247 Warsaw
with the inscription: Form-Beacon 406MHz

The registration form is available in electronic version docplik do pobrania105.5 KB

If you have additional questions regarding the registration and coding protocols of the ELT transmitters, please contact Air Navigation Department
Tel: (22) 520 72 27


registration of a new danger signal transmitter

ELT: pdfplik do pobrania74.26 KB

EPIRB: pdfplik do pobrania73.75 KB

PLB: pdfplik do pobrania73.65 KB

Coding protocols in use in Poland


The Civil Aviation Authority as a collaborative agency with the International Cospas-Sarsat Programme in consultation with the program, has established the following protocols for encoding a danger signal transmitter 406MHz, used in Poland - the country code 261

Coding protocols:

pdfplik do porania21.16 KB

Aviation User Protocols – coding ELT 406MHz
pdf plik do pobrania 417.18 Kb

For the case without sending coordinates -the short message:


protocol of aviation user with the encoded registration mark of the aircraft;

Serial User Protocol with the encoded 24-bit address of the aircraft.
ELT (AP) and ELT (S) serial user protocol (serial user) with a coded ELT serial number and Cospas-Sarsat type certificate number.

EPIRB - protocol (maritime user) with a MMSI code number.

PLB - serial protocol (serial user) of the PLB coded serial number and certificate number, type of Cospas-Sarsat system.

For the case of transmission protocols coordinate - the long message:


  • user location protocol with the encoded register mark of the aircraft;
  • user location protocol with the encoded 24-bit address of the aircraft;
  • default location protocol with the encoded 24-bit address of the aircraft.

ELT (AP) and ELT (S) user location protocol and standard location protocol with the encoded serial number and ELT Cospas-Sarsat certificate number type.


  • User location protocol with a code number and MMSI;
  • default location protocol with the encoded MMSI number.


  • user location protocol with the encoded serial number and PLB Cospas-Sarsat type certificate number
  • default location protocol with a code number and serial number of PLB and the type certificate Cospas-Sarsat system.


Cospas-Sarsat Type Certificate No is available on the website and is defined as
C / SNo.:


Information about encoding a danger signal transmitters are also included in the documents Cospas-Sarsat:

C / S G.005 Cospas-Sarsat Guidelines on 406MHz Beacon Coding, Registration, and Type Approval;

C / S S.007 Cospas-Sarsat Handbook of Beacon Regulations;

C / S T.001 Specification for Cospas-Sarsat 406MHz Distress Beacons



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