16.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 17.02.2023

Aviation fees

Civil Aviation Authority announces that on 1 February 2023 the Decree of the Minister of Infrastracture on the publication of the aviation fees in 2023 was published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland – Monitor Polski.

The link to the text of the Decree:

Aviation fees shall be paid into a bank account of the state budget revenues held with the National Polish Bank:

Civil Aviation Authority
ul. Marcina Flisa 2
02-247 Warszawa
Bank Name: Narodowy Bank Polski O/O Warszawa
Bank Address: 00-950 Warszawa, Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 4
Account Number: 31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000
Sort Code: 10101010


The ticket office is closed until further notice.

In the transfer should be given mandatory:
Name / What the client pays for / number of table / number of part / number of point.

Example of title transfer for a private pilot licence (PPL (A)) theory exam:
"John Smith / theory test for PPL (A) / Table 2, Part I, Section 1.1., Paragraph 2, item. 2 "

Confirmation of the transfer should be attached to the application!


Article 26b, paragraph 2 of the Aviation Law Act of 3 July 2002 (Journal of Laws 100, pos. 696, with amendments).
The reductions in aviation fees for examinations conducted by the President of the CAA shall be entitled:
1) a person under the age of 21 years - the reduction of 25% of the aviation fee;
2) learners under the age of 25 years - the reduction of 50% of the aviation fee;
3) persons with disabilities – the reduction of 50% of the aviation fee..

To take advantage of the above listed discounts the applicant shall attach a document confirming the compliance with the above.




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