20.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 21.08.2013

Register of civil aircraft

The register of civil aircraft, hereinafter referred to as the registry, run by the President of the Civil Aviation Authority. Implementation of the record due to the provisions of the Act of 3 July , 2002 Aviation Law (Journal of Laws of 2012, pos. 933, as amended.) And the Regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy of 6 June 2013, on the register of civil aircraft and signs and inscriptions on aircraft registered in that register (Journal of Laws of 2013, pos. 726).


In the register shall be written an aircraft which owner or another user is:


1) Polish citizen;
2) Polish legal person;
3) Polish entity without legal personality;
4) a foreigner with permanent residence in the territory of the Polish Republic.


President of the CAA may grant registration to aircraft used by another entity.


By entering the Register the identity of the aircraft is stated, the ownership and possibly user and sets up his nationality. During registration process the registration mark is given, consisting of the nationality and registration marks separated by horizontal line. Confirmation of entry is a certificate of registration.


Moreover, the register performs the following actions:

• Changes of the data entered in the register (for example, change of ownership, change of address information, the disclosure of a user other than the owner).
• Removal aircraft from registry.
• Issuing certificates or removal.
• Issuing an extract from the register.
• Issue of "duplicate" lost or destroyed certificates of registration after written notification by the owner.
• Keeping records of cases related to aircraft which are exempted from the application of certain provisions of the Aviation Law (entering and removal from register, changing the data, issuing certifications). The implementation of these activities due to the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy of 26 March 2013 on the exclusion of the application of certain provisions of the Aviation Law for certain types of aircraft and the conditions and requirements for the use of these aircraft
• Record of permanent residence of Polish civil aircraft abroad for more than six months and record of permanent residence of foreign civil aircraft in the Republic of Poland for a period exceeding three months. The implementation of these actions derived from the provisions of the Regulation of Minister of Infrastructure dated 20 April 2004 on the implementation of international flights by foreign civil aircraft and residency Polish civil aircraft abroad and foreign civil aircraft in the Republic of Poland (Journal of Laws of 2004 , No. 94, item. 916).
• Allocation of SSR transponder codes Mode-S.

Forms and agreements

An Application to enter or to modify the data entered in the Register / Register of Civil Aircraft
doc plik do pobrania 38.50 Kb


General information concerning the aircraft entered in the Register of Civil Aircraft
doc plik do pobrania 46.00 Kb

Request for booking registration marks
doc plik do pobrania 35.50 Kb




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