Procedure for recognition of Type Certificate or Approval
In accordance with the regulations currently in force in Poland, entry of ultralight aircraft into the Polish register requires a certification process or recognition of an already issued type certificate. The procedure for the recognition of foreign type certificates applies to both the recognition of new certificates for structures with MTOM of 600 kg and older models with MTOM of 450/472.5 kg.
The applicant may be the holder of the type approval or the entity holding the rights to use the design. Of course, it is possible to act through an authorized representative (only a natural person may be a plenipotentiary).
Recognition processes of type certificates or other equivalent approvals’ issued by the competent authority of the State of Design, that issued the type certificate, are carried out by the President of the Civil Aviation Authority.
For the aircraft referred to art. 2 (8) of EU Regulation No. 2018/1139 (OPT-OUT aircraft) the CAA will issue a recognition certificate to an applicant in a country with which the Republic of Poland has agreed a bilateral agreement and make an entry on the approved flying device type list.
In order to process applications without undue delay the CAA requires the use of this form. The individual fields of the application form may vary in size thus allowing to enter all the required information. It is strongly recommended to use the English language.
The application with attachments and written information in the form of documents which indicate your authorization to act on behalf of company and presentation of these documents (e.g. extract from the commercial register, company statute along with their Polish or English translation) can be submitted traditionally in paper form to the CAA address:
Civil Aviation Authority, Marcina Street 2, 02-247 Warsaw, Poland,
or in an electronic form to the address indicated in the application, together with information on available links to attachments - e.g. a link to shared resources. The use of electronic form is recommended.
An application submitted in the form of an electronic document (preferably in PDF format) must be signed with a qualified electronic signature. After successfully completing a recognition process the recognition certificate, in the form of an electronic document, will be sent to the e-mail address of the Competent Authority of the State of Design responsible for ultralight aviation in the country.
In the case of a type certificate holder acting by plenipotentiary, the plenipotentiary attaches to the application an appropriate power of attorney along with a stamp duty payment confirmation. A power of attorney submitted in the form of an electronic document must be signed with a qualified electronic signature.
If the applying entity acts through a Polish plenipotentiary, documents submitted in the form of electronic documents should be submitted using the ePUAP platform.
The stamp duty (17 PLN) is paid to the account of the Taxpayer Service Centre of the Capital City of Warsaw. Account number: 21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070.
The documents attached to application should be prepared in the language of the country to which the application for recognition of type certificate is addressed or in English.
Fees for the for recognition of Type Certificate or Approval
An aviation fee is charged for the approval of airworthiness documents issued by aviation authorities of other countries, which must be paid prior to the submission of the application, and a copy of the receipt of payment must be attached to the application.
The aviation fees are paid to the account of the Civil Aviation Authority, ul. Marcina Flisa 2, 02-247 Warszawa,
Narodowy Bank Polski
31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000
By bank transfer from abroad:
IBAN: PL31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000
The CAA informs that the Notice of the Minister of Infrastructure of February 8, 2024 on the announcement of the rates of aviation fees applicable in 2024 was published in Monitor Polski.
Obwieszczenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 8 lutego 2024 r. w sprawie ogłoszenia stawek opłat lotniczych obowiązujących w 2024 r. (
The payer is requested to provide the relevant information concerning the aviation fee and an appropriate description in words explaining what the payment relates to, according to the following scheme:
Payment title (not applicable to recognition process of amendment to Type Certificate):
- Table 1, Part III Subpart 3.3 sec. 6 point 1 letter a - fee for the approval of airworthiness documents issued by aviation authorities of other countries for ultralight airplanes and rotorcraft – 314 PLN
- Table 1, Part III Subpart 3.3 sec. 6 point 1 letter b - fee for the approval of airworthiness documents issued by aviation authorities of other countries for ultralight aircraft other than airplanes and rotorcraft – 158 PLN
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