Concerns: Permission to enter and conduct non-commercial flights in the airspace of the Republic of Poland by an aircraft without a valid Airworthiness Certificate as understood by Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago on December 7, 1944 or in conditions not specified in the Airworthiness Certificate, if such Airworthiness Certificate has been issued.
1. The permit is issued for a specified period, not longer than 3 months.
2. Excluded from the obligation to obtain a temporary permit for a flight, as referred to in art. 145a of Polish Aviation Law Act, are aircraft registered in a Member State of the European Union, Swiss Confederation or a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) - party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which hold valid documents certifying airworthiness other than an Airworthiness Certificate, issued by the State of registration.
3. Applications should be submitted in written or electronic form to the following address: not later than 7 days before the expected crossing of the Polish airspace border.
Application for the issue of TEMPORARY PERMIT TO FLY
Required enclosures:
1. Copy of equivalent technical certificate issued for this aircraft or Copy of the Certificate of Airworthiness in case of flight in condition not foreseen
2. Copy of the Insurance Polisy
3. Copy of pilot’s license or equivalent document
4. Copy of the aircraft’s registration and recording in the foreign aircraft register