29.01.2014 Aktualizacja: 29.01.2014

Meeting of Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) in Montreal

On January 23 – 24, 2014 in the Montreal headquarters of ICAO a meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) took place. The participants discussed the range of works imposed by the ICAO Council on the Global Market - based Measures Technical Task Force (GMTF). Also a review of works to be done by GMTF has been done. 14 members and 7 CAEP observes, inclusive of a representative from the Republic of Poland participated in the meeting.

The task of the Committee is to prepare global market solutions for reduction of CO2 emissions in the civil air transport.

The subject of the meeting was verification of criteria and general conditions of performing works on the Monitoring, Verification and Reporting System for CO2 emissions and on criteria and requirements of reduced emissions units acceptability.

In the meeting of the European members of CAEP also representatives of the ICAO Council took part, inclusive of the Representative of the Republic of Poland on the ICAO Council – Ms. Małgorzata Polkowska. The participation in the meeting of the Polish Representative on the ICAO Council has been well accepted by the European members of CAEP. Poland as the only state of the Central European Rotation Group (CERG) has its member in CAEP which consists of only about 20 members from all around the world.

CAEP is one of the technical advisory committees of the ICAO Council. It carries out scientific research for ensuring environmental efficiency, technical viability and economic rationalism of environmental certification standards for aviation equipment.

Starting by CAEP works on a new type of CO2 emissions standard which is rather an energetic efficiency of aircraft standard and the participation of experts of the committee in works on Global Market Based Measures expands the previous range of CAEP’s competences.

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