28.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 02.07.2017

The first IOSA and ISAGO Workshop organized in Poland

From 1 to 2 July, 2013 at the headquarters of the Civil Aviation Authority the first workshop on the IOSA and ISAGO programs organized in Warsaw, Poland took place. The workshop was organized by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The Workshop was attended by representatives of the Civil Aviation Authorities of Greece, Latvia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and Poland and representatives of Polish aviation industry.

The workshop is another pioneering initiative undertaken by the CAA in the field of civil aviation. In May 2013 the first European workshop on "Just Culture" was organized by the Civil Aviation Authority and the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency.

The first day of the meeting was devoted to IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit Program). Giancarlo Buono presented the history of the creation of the program and its purpose, which is to increase the safety of the airlines and to reduce the number of audits in them. He also described the conduct of the audit, the process of accreditation of audit organizations and requirements of auditors. The strategy for Quality Management System and Safety Management System  in the IOSA program was also presented.

On the second day of the workshop participants were acquainted with the ISAGO program. The speaker of this panel was Dieter Herman - the lead auditor and ISAGO instructor. After presenting the history of the origin and objectives of the program he described the course of the audit process, the qualifications an auditor shall meet, and the training of auditors. Participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with integrated solutions for ground operations and management of databases containing information on the damage caused during ground operations (Ground Damage Database).

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