For Clients


ul. Marcina Flisa 2
woj. mazowieckie
Polska / Poland

Customer Service Point and Post Room

Customers are asked to contact us also by phone at + 48 22 520 72 00, by e-mail - , via ePUAP or by post.

2 Marcina Flisa street
02-247 Warsaw
CAA Call Center +48 22 520 72 00

 (max 20MB)

To send an e-mail with digital signature (UPO / ESP) please use following link (

Customers' Service Point and Post Room is open the following hours:

Monday 8:00-18:00

From Tuesday to Friday: 8:15 – 16:15

Commission on Passengers' Rights

Civil Aviation Authority
2 Marcina Flisa street
02-247 Warsaw

Call Center +48 222 692 600 from 9.00 to 13.00 and from Monday to Friday
fax +48 22 520 73 00

The existing procedure of considering passengers’ complaints in the mode of administrative, proceedings conducted by the Commission on Passengers’ Rights, protection apply to all applications submitted in the Civil Aviation Authority by the end of March 2019.

On April 1, 2019 the amended Act Aviation Law enter into force which creates the possibility of resolving disputes with passengers arising from Regulations: 261/2004/EC and 2111/2005/EC in an amicable way. The Passengers' Rights Ombudsman considers passengers’ complaints in the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) mode, i.e. out-of-court consumer dispute resolution.

More detailed information related to the amicable methods of dispute resolutions can be found on the website of The Passengers’ Rights Ombudsman at the President of the Civil Aviation Authority

License and certificated of qualification could be collected in Flight Personnel Register.

Flight Personnel Register is open:

Monday 9:00-18:00

From Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 – 15:00

The entrance to the Flight Personnel  Register and Civil Aircraft Register is located on the south side of the building.

Requests for shipping the licences and certificates of qualification to CAA’s Regional Branches should be sent to

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