19.08.2019 Aktualizacja: 12.02.2025

Operation of scheduled flights (EEA & Swiss air carriers)

Authorisation to operate scheduled flights

It permits to operate scheduled flights on routes between Poland and third countries by Polish, EEA or Swiss air carriers.

Required application: docxauthorization_application.docx

Application due date: at least 30 days before the planned start of the flights

Required documents:
1. Operating licence – in case of air carrier other than Polish;
2. A copy of the contract concluded with the airport managing body regarding the establishment of an operational base on the territory of the Republic of Poland or a corresponding statement of the airport managing body - in the case of an air carrier other than Polish.

The operation of commercial flights without the Authorisation of the President of CAA is subject to a financial penalty and criminal liability.

Additional information:
The original of the application shall be submitted at the CAA headquarters or sent to the CAA’s postal address.

Consideration of the application for Authorisation to operate flights on specific routes or areas is subject to the aviation fee of PLN 3 075.

When the international agreement or arrangements resulting from this agreement stipulate limited air traffic rights, the Authorisation is granted to air carriers selected in the allocation procedure which is carried out on the basis of separate provisions.

The given information is non-binding and has been prepared for reference only. The respective provisions of law apply.
In individual cases the President of CAA may ask for additional information and documents.

The aviation fee may be paid:
a. in cash at the cash desk of the Civil Aviation Authority of Poland; the cash desk is open from Monday till Friday, 11:00 – 15:00 o’clock; or
b. via bank transfer to the bank account of the Civil Aviation Authority:

Urzad Lotnictwa Cywilnego
ul. Marcina Flisa 2
02-247 Warszawa
NBP O/O Warszawa
31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000
transfer title: „Tab.1, 1.2 upowaznienie”

Legal basis:

− Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 256 as amended) (in Polish) –


− Act of 3 July 2002 – Aviation Law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1580, as amended) (in Polish) –


Contact information:
Traffic Rights Division
Civil Aviation Authority of Poland
tel.: +48 22 520 73 09; +48 22 520 73 91; +48 22 520 73 20
fax: +48 22 520 73 53
e-mail: trafficrights@ulc.gov.pl



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