09.03.2016 Aktualizacja: 09.03.2016

Conference on the safe use of drones in civil airspace

On January 25, 2016 at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction in Warsaw a conference on unmanned aircraft systems/remotely piloted aircraft systems was held. The event brought together representatives of almost all organs and institutions of government interested in the subject of unmanned aircraft systems and their safe use. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister Mr. Jerzy Szmit responsible in the ministry for aviation and by the President of the Civil Aviation Authority Mr. Piotr Ołowski.

The conference primarily was focused on discusson concerning issues  related to the danger of the irresponsible use of unmanned aircraft in civilian airspace, as well as potential ways to counteract these threats. Opening the market for the use of unmanned aircraft is undoubtedly an opportunity for business and economy. Already, drones are widely used among others in geodesy, cartography, agriculture and the film industry. Therefore the participants of the conference jointly stressed the need to ensure sustainable industry growth of unmanned aircraft while maintaining the maximum level of safety and security.

The conference participants could get acquainted with the proposals of systems to increase the safety of the use of drones in the open airspace made by the companies with specific technological solutions, allowing, among others, tracking and supervision of operations with the use of drones. At the invitation of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the meeting was also attended by experts including the Civil Aviation Authority, Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, the State Commission on Aircraft Accident Investigation, the Internal Security Agency, the Operational Command of the armed forces, the General Command of the armed forces and the Government Security Centre. There were also representatives of the National Police Headquarters, Border Guard, as well as the representation of the scientific community and businesses in the aviation industry.

The conference was the beginning of a broader discussion on unmanned aircraft. The next event is planned for April 2016.




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