12.03.2020 Aktualizacja: 25.03.2020

Exams session - important information

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Following the website information of 10 March 2020 on the events planned by the Polish Civil Aviation Authority until the end of April, referring to the theoretical examination sessions currently conducted at the headquarters of the Civil Aviation Authority in 2020, please be informed that the March session (3 – 13 March) will be completed – i.e. it will end on Friday, March 13, provided that nothing unforeseen happens.


However, given the situation related to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID 19) on the territory of Poland, for the sake of your safety, the Aviation Examination Board suggests that on March 12 and 13. persons from whom the situation does not require that they come to the abovementioned sessions considered taking exams at some later date.

Due to all the above, on March 12 and 13 this year, exams will be conducted only for persons having reservations and facing exceptional circumstances (i.e. deadlines, last attempts, completion of ATPL examinations started in the March session).

Considering the need to secure your comfort, personal hygiene products are provided in the publicly available area at the examination room, regular disinfection of computer workstations and thorough ventilation of the examination room are carried out, as well as rotary seating of candidates is applied. Additionally, CAA examination staff will work with use of disposable gloves. The above actions will cause that the number of people who will be able to enter the examination room will be smaller, and thus the waiting queues may slightly increase. As for any further changes in the schedule of the 2020 examination sessions, we will keep you informed as the situation is constantly monitored.

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