11.05.2020 Aktualizacja: 09.07.2020

Information on theoretical examination in June sitting

Please be informed that June sitting will be held from 9 until 19 of June as given in the sitting schedule for 2020. The Director General of CAA decided that the sitting hours will be extended and the sitting will be held from 8:00 until 18:00.

Please also be informed that June 11, 2020 is a national holiday in Poland (a non-working day), which means that theoretical exams will not be held on that day (the CAA will be closed).

Due to the new sanitary conditions, in the first week of the June sitting, only candidates with reservations and candidates who will have their 18-month period to take the exams end, will be allowed to take exams (after taking into account the derogations resulting from the decision of the Director General of CAA of 27/03/2020 number: LPL.401.1.2020.ULC.2).

If the conditions allow the reception of candidates without reservation, then in the second week of the June sitting, such a possibility will appear. Candidates will be informed about this fact in a separate information.

The exemptions listed above extend the time for completing the exam for two months (in accordance with the number of months with sittings canceled), i.e.
- candidates who have their 18-month time to pass the exam ended in April are required to finish taking the exam in July (attending the sitting in one of the two added months June or July),
- candidates who have their 18-month time to pass the examination ended in May are required to complete their examination by July (they can attend sittings in June and July provided that they still have two out of six sittings available)
- candidates who have their 18-month time to pass the examination ended in June are required to complete their examination by August,
- candidates who have their 18-month time to pass the examination ended in July are required to complete their examination by September, etc.

Rules of examination siting

Due to the current state of the epidemic related to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID 19) on the territory of Poland, it will be necessary to introduce additional rules that will allow to conduct sitting in accordance with the requirements of the new sanitary regime resulting from the recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. These rules will be available on the CAA website.

During the June sitting, candidates will be required to:
• wear masks and gloves at the Civil Aviation Authority. Candidates without masks and will not be allowed into the examination room. Gloves are recommended.
• to sit every second position to maintain the required distance in the examination room.

The above activities will result in a smaller number of candidates who will be able to enter the exam room.

Taking into account your safety, we suggest that people who are not required to appear at the June sitting consider taking exams at a later date and not make reservations for the June sitting.

We also inform you that the examination room will be constantly ventilated, and each position will be disinfected before another candidate sits next to it.

Extension of time for taking exams – borders closure

In the case of candidates (mainly foreigners) who, due to the closed borders of the Republic of Poland or other States, will not be able to participate next sittings, the derogation provides extension of the time for taking examination by the period during which the candidates could not get access to theoretical knowledge exams, because of the reasons given in the exemption, in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Please also be informed that on August 10-28, 2020 an additional (over-planned), three-week exam sitting will be conducted (due to the reduced number of computer seats during the June sitting, the decision on admission seats for candidates with reservations and people who failed to join the June or July sitting - for whom these sittings were the so-called last attempt was taken).

The CAA reserves the right to further changes in the booking rules and the organization of sittings as the situation changes on a current basis.


At the same time, we would like to kindly inform you that the CAA Aviation Examination Board (LKE) puts every effort into resuming the examination process efficiently, after it has been suspended. The situation in which both the Candidates and the LKE employees are at the moment is still unpredictable, unusual and requires a mutual understanding. Considering the above, any behavior meeting the definition of crimes as specified in art. 212 of the Penal Code (defamation) and art. 226 of the Penal Code (insulting a public official) will not remain unanswered by the authority and the relevant law enforcement authorities will be notified.


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