15.05.2020 Aktualizacja: 15.05.2020

Additional rules for the theoretical examination


The following rules are introduced due to the epidemiological situation and are complementary to the existing rules for taking theoretical examinations at Aviation Examination Board of the Polish CAA.

June sitting
1. In the first week of the June sitting 9-12.06.2020 ONLY CANDIDATES WITH RESERVATIONS and candidates who have their 18 month time period to pass the exam finished in April or May will be accepted.
Warning! Canidadates who have the last subject to pass, but still have time to do the exam, do not belong to the above mentioned groups.
2. In the second week of the June examination sitting 15-19.06.2020, candidates with reservations and candidates who have their 18 month time period to pass the exam finished in April or May will be accepted for examinations, and if conditions allow, candidates without reservations will also be accepted. Candidates will be informed about the fact in a separate message.

Waiting in queue
3. On arrival at the Office, candidates shall be obliged to queue in a suitable queue outside the building. Special markings will indicate the direction and course of the queue.
4. Candidates waiting in the queue will be required to keep a 2-meter distance from other candidates.
5. For sanitary reasons, the ticket machine will be out of use during the June sitting in the first week of the sitting (in the second week, depending on the organization of the sitting).
6. It will not be possible to stay in the Aviation Examination Board waiting room.

7. In the Office, candidates are obliged to wear masks covering the nose and mouth, and to wear gloves. Candidates who do not have their mouth and nose covered, as required, will not be allowed to take the exam.
8. Candidates will be registered according to the queue order.
9. The candidates will be required to familiarize themselves with applicable sanitary rules before registration. By signing the list, the candidates declare that they will comply with these rules.
10. People with cold / flu symptoms will not be allowed into the examination room.
11. Polish CAA does not provide candidates with face masks and gloves. Candidates are obliged to organize it on their own.
12. A disinfecting gel will be available at the entrance to the Office.

Taking the exam
13. Due to sanitary and epidemiological guidelines, candidates will be seated at intervals, in the examination room. Places available for seating will be marked. Candidates are only obliged to occupy the places indicated.
14. For sanitary reasons, no aids for candidates will be available in the examination room (paper for notes, calculators, lines). Candidates may receive the above mentioned aids after prior notification to the commission (during registration) that they will need these aids.
15. Candidates who will need to have their attachments printed during the exam should put the numbers of the attachments they need on the sheet and bring it to a place near the Venetian mirror. It will be picked up by an Aviation Examination Board employee. Then the candidate should return to the computer. The attachments, after printing, will be brought to the candidate's table by the Aviation Examination Board employee. Please note that if another candidate is waiting in the designated place, a 2-meter distance should be kept.
16. After completing the exam, used paper should be thrown into a designated container in the examination room. Other aids should be left on the stand for disinfection.

Completion of the test
17. After completing the exam, candidates are required to leave the examination room as soon as possible, and after taking their belonging from the locker, to leave the Aviation Examination Board waiting room.
18. Candidates who have completed all subjects and thus completed their theoretical examination must report this fact to the Aviation Examination Board staff and then await the exam certificate in the indicated place.
19. Information regarding received exam certificates after passing the theoretical exam will be available on the Aviation Examination Board information board and on the Office's website.
20. After emptying the locker of personal belongings, the key to the locker should be immediately returned to the Aviation Examination Board staff for disinfection.


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