08.10.2020 Aktualizacja: 12.10.2020

Examination sitting in October [update: 12.10.2020]

Ladies and gentlemen,

in addition to the announcement regarding the October sitting, we would like to inform you that we plan to carry out the whole October sitting, in accordance with the previously planned schedule. However, in case Warsaw is announced to be in the red zone, part of the sitting will have to be canceled. In this case, the canceled part of the sitting will be carried out at a later date (most likely in November). Candidates who start taking their exams in the first week of the October sitting will be able to continue taking exams in the new scheduled dates and this will be treated as the October sitting exams. Reservations for the days when the sitting will not take place will remain valid in the additional dates. Candidates for whom the October sitting is the last sitting will be allowed to finish the exams in the new dates.

Please be informed that, as announced in the exam schedule for 2020, October examination sitting will be held on 13-23 October. The sitting will last from 8:00 until 16:00.

Candidates with reservations are welcome until 12.00. Candidates without reservations will be invited to register themselves from 12.30, provided that there are some seats available in the examination room.

The sanitary regime and additional rules which were introduced because of the pandemic are still applicable.

We kindly remind you to cover your mouth and nose and keep the distance between each other. We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that on the last day of the examination sitting a lot of candidates is willing to take their exams. This is associated with a long waiting time in the queue, and in many cases, inability to enter the examination room.

The possible inclusion of Warsaw in the red zone should be taken into account, in which case the October session will be interrupted.

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