15.01.2021 Aktualizacja: 26.03.2021

No administrative ban on flights to Poland (update)

According to the new Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of March 25, 2021 amending the ordinance on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the outbreak of the epidemic, until April 9, persons who will come to Poland by organized transport are required to undergo a 10-day quarantine.

The quarantine obligation does not apply to:
- flight crews
- people vaccinated against COVID-19 who were issued a certificate of vaccination
- people with a negative result of the diagnostic test for SARS-COV-2 performed before crossing the border within 48 hours from the moment of the test result
- people who completed home isolation, isolation and hospitalization due to infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus, no later than 6 months before the date of crossing the border of the Republic of Poland.


On January 23, 2021, a new Regulation of the Council of Ministers entered into force (link), according to which the quarantine does not cover visitors who present a negative COVID-19 test result. The test must be performed within 48 hours before crossing the State border, counting from the moment of obtaining the test result.


On January 13, 2021 at midnight the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of January 5, 2021 on flight bans expired. It means that from January 14, 2021 the ban on flights from Great Britain and Northern Ireland is not valid. These two states were the last two states covered by the flight ban. Till January 31 all people coming to Poland are subjected to a 10-day quarantine. 

The withdrawal of the flight ban means that it is up to the air carriers when and which routes from Great Britain will be introduced.

According to the information from the Ministry of Infrastructure which is responsible for preparing projects on flight bans, the Polish Government does not work on a new Regulation concerning flight bans.

The requirement to cover your mouth and nose with a mask during a flight is also still valid.

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