05.07.2021 Aktualizacja: 05.07.2021

Get away! Fly healthily on vacation - the CAA information campaign has been launched

15 czerwca br. na Lotnisku Chopina w Warszawie odbyła się konferencja prasowa Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego i przedstawicieli sektora lotniczego, która zainaugurowała ogólnopolską kampanię informacyjną „Oderwij się! Lataj zdrowo na wakacje”. Jej celem jest zachęcenie Polaków do wyboru transportu lotniczego podczas tegorocznych wakacji.

On June 15th this year, at Chopin Airport in Warsaw, a press conference was held by the Civil Aviation Authority and representatives of the aviation sector to inaugurate the nationwide campaign "Get away! Fly healthily on vacation". Its aim is to encourage Poles to choose air transport during their vacations this year.

The COVID-19 epidemic has set new tasks for the aviation industry. Carriers and airports have developed solutions to reduce the epidemiological risk. However, in order for us to fully enjoy flying, it is necessary to consistently build passenger confidence in using air transport. The CAA's information campaign "Get away! Fly healthily on vacation" said Marcin Horała, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure.

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Representatives of the aviation sector carefully analysed the impact of COVID-19 on aviation and the possibility of ensuring the highest level of safety for passengers.

Of key importance were studies conducted by scientists from around the world on the risk of contracting coronavirus during air travel. Since the beginning of the pandemic experts have agreed that airplanes remain by far the safest means of transportation in this regard as well. On board an airplane, the air is exchanged up to 30 times per hour and at the same time filtered of more than 99.99 percent of all particles, including viruses. This makes the risk of COVID-19 infection on board a plane much lower than in other modes of transport, an air-conditioned office, or a restaurant.

At the same time, the air transportation industry understands that travelers are concerned about uncertainty pertaining to procedures and restrictions, most notably sudden quarantines. According to a survey conducted by Rockland Dutton on behalf of IATA, 83 percent of passengers do not want to travel if there is a quarantine in place.
That's why one of the key messages of the campaign refers to the launch of EU Digital Covid Certificate (UCCs), which will allow people to travel safely and freely between EU countries during a pandemic. These certificates will give passengers confidence to travel abroad.

Crossing national borders, especially with the new EU Certificate is much easier to accomplish now. This is a great convenience and a chance to travel safely - emphasized Anna Golawska, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Health.

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Restoring the demand for flying and improving the situation of the whole aviation market is a significant challenge, that is why, together with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, the Regional Airports Association and the ‘Polish Airports’ State Entreprise, we have prepared a nationwide campaign "Get away! Fly healthily on vacation " - said Piotr Samson, President of the Civil Aviation Authority.

Samson stressed that the aim of the campaign is to reactivate air traffic, and ultimately to get aviation out of the crisis, restore air traffic to its pre-epidemic level and further develop this branch of transport.

The awareness campaign is planned for the 2021 holiday season and will include outdoor, advertising on the Internet and social media campaign.



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