27.05.2022 Aktualizacja: 30.05.2022

Examination session in June 2022

IMPORTANT! The date of June sitting has been postponed to 14-24.06.2022!

Ladies and gentlemen,
Please be informed that June sitting will be held from 14th until 24th of June 2022. Please be aware that on 16.06.2022 ULC is closed due to national holiday.

Making reservations for the June sitting will be possible from 9.00 a. m. on June 6th, 2022.

The examination sitting will be held from 9.00 until 15.00.

In June sitting we can only accept:

  • candidates with reservations,
  • candidates for whom the June sitting is the last sitting they can attend,
  • candidates without reservations from 14th until 23th of June.

Please be informed that waiting room is opened at 9.00 o’clock and only exam candidates are allowed to stay at LKE waiting room.

There is a ticket machine in the LKE waiting room. The tickets can be taken from 9.00 o’clock. Please follow the instructions given by the LKE personnel.

Attention: On June 24th candidates without reservations will not be allowed to take exams.


Please also be informed that on June 24, 2022 the sitting in Aviation Center of Państwowej Akademii Nauk Stosowanych w Chełmie (Depułtycze Królewskie 55) will be held.

This is a sitting for candidates for PPL, SPL, BPL, LAPL.

Reservations for this sitting will be possible form 9.00 on June 3rd, 2022.

The examinations will be held form 9.00 until 15.00.

In June sitting we can accept:

  • candidates with reservations,
  • candidates without reservations.

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