In Poland, air shows are organized in accordance with the Aviation Law Act and the Regulation of 16 May 2013 on test flights and aerobatic and air show (Journal of Laws of 2022. Pos. 768)
We encourage you to read the Manual "How to organize and conduct air shows / air displays"
Fees in 2024:
- 236 PLN- fee for issuing the decision to conduct the show
- 83 PLN - payment for each aircraft participating in the dynamic part of the air show / air display on each day of the show.
Bank transfer details:
Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego
ul. Marcina Flisa 2
02-247 Warszawa
Narodowy Bank Polski
31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000
Transfer title: Załącznikiem nr 6, Tabeli nr 1, część III, pkt 3.13, ppkt 33 ,,Wydanie zezwolenia na przeprowadzenie pokazu lotniczego”.
Application forms for air shows:
- Application for consent to conduct an air show and reduce the amount of aerobatic flights in the air show area, in accordance with Art. 123 paragraph 1b
- Notification of the intention to conduct an air show and a request to reduce the amount of aerobatic flights in the show area together with the air show program, in accordance with Art. 123 paragraph 1d
- Application for consent to reduce the minimum height of aerobatic flights at an altitude less than 300 m above ground level at the airport in the aerobatic zone
- Air Show participant questionnaire
If you have any questions, please contact us via phone number 0-22 520 75 00 or 520 73 97 or e-mail: