10.05.2023 Aktualizacja: 11.05.2023

Individual SPIs values

Individual SPI values obtained from air operators are not subject to publication in accordance with point (20) of the preamble of Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation.

The documents presents the following types of data:

  • the average calculated on the basis of all data from a given SPI (arithmetic average).
  • "Average without zero", ie the average calculated on the basis of data from entities whose SPI was higher than 0 (arithmetic average).
  • I, II and III Safety Triggers (alert) Levels.

Skip to see the SPIs documents: https://ulc.gov.pl/pl/zarzadzanie-bezpieczenstwem/wskazniki-bezpieczenstwa-spis/spi

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