16.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 21.08.2013


What documents will I need ...?


dokumentyWhen traveling by plane, regardless of whether the flight is inside the borders of Poland or outside the passenger is obliged to have an identity card, which will allow the relevant staff working at the airport to identify the person.

Identity card

ID card is a document confirming the identity of the holder and conferring the right to travel within the Schengen area, as well as the EEA countries outside the European Union and countries which are not parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, where people can enjoy the freedom of movement of persons on the basis of agreements concluded by the these countries with the European Community and its Member States, recognizing as sufficient to cross the border. Detailed information on the regulatory framework for the issuance of an ID card can be found on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website.



A passport is a document confirming the identity of the holder and conferring the right to travel within and outside the Schengen area. Detailed information on the regulatory framework for the issuance of a passport can be found on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website.

Minors traveling in domestic traffic

It is advisable for minors traveling by air within the country to have a document which could confirm their identity such as Identity Card. Confirmation of the identity of the person is required to confirm the reservation for a flight, and at the time of boarding to check if the person trying to get on board is the same person who bought the ticket and checked-in luggage.

Minors traveling in international traffic

Minors traveling in international traffic shall be provided with an identity card or passport.


When crossing certain borders Polish citizen is required to have a visa. Embassies of the each country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs inform the public on visa requirements.

Before you begin your journey we recommend that you obtain information on visa requirements of the country you plan to visit.

A list of countries and visa requirements can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs




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