19.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 21.08.2013

Carriage of animals

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Before departure, please refer to the regulations governing the carriage of animals of the country to which you travel, as well as in the countries in which you will have to transfer.

Useful information relating to the regulations for pet transport to European Union countries and other countries can be found on the General Veterinary Inspectorate website.

Before you decide to travel with a pet, please make sure also that your air-carrier allows the carriage of animals

If the airline allows the carriage of pets on board its fleet, you are advised to inform the carrier of the intention to carry an animal already during the booking, but not later than 48 hours prior to departure.

Mostly there is a fee for  transport of animals. Information about the fee, you should get during your booking process and in  the "Table of fees" or "Extras" which could be found on the air carrier’s website.

Pets on board the aircraft must be transported in suitable cages. Exception of guide dogs, but some airlines require that a guide dog must wear harness and muzzle. Please ensure that the you meet the requirements of the carrier before you start your journey.

The cage in which the animal will be transported must be large enough so that the animal to stand up, turn around and lie down.

Conditions of carriage of animals should be specified in the rules of the air carriers. Often the rules are called carriers' Conditions relating to travel "," Conditions of Carriage "or" General Conditions "and do not ask carriers, either alone find them on the website of the carrier.


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Guide dogs

Carriage of recognized guide dogs (owner should carry a document certifying that the animal has the status of a guide dog) is permitted in the cabin of the aircraft at no extra charge. Restrictions typically used by carriers in respect of forms of animal transport (transport cage) do not apply to guide dogs. Larger size guide dogs can travel sitting on the floor, while the smaller may be on the laps of their owners.

For safety reasons, please bring your harness and muzzle for your dog.



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