19.08.2013 Aktualizacja: 21.08.2013

Additional information

  Drukuj Email

Department of Security and Facilitation
Inspectorate of Civil Aviation Facilitation

Marcina Flisa 2,
02-247, Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 520 74 42

ulcCommission on the Passengers’ Rights
Flisa 2 street, Warsaw, 02-247 Warsaw
+48 22 520 74 84,
fax. +48 22 520 73 47

Compliance Passenger Rights Division

Phone: +48 22 520 73 75, fax +48 22 520 73 47

Legal and Administrative Division
Phone: +48 22 520 73 82, fax +48 22 520 73 47

Customer Service Point
Tel: +48 22 520 74 37, fax +48 22 520 74 38


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