09.01.2024 Aktualizacja: 18.03.2024

Designated Postal Operator


According to the definition of the Act of 23 November 2012, the Postal Law, art. 3 paragraph 12, a Postal Operator is an entrepreneur authorized to perform postal activities, on the basis of an entry in the register of postal operators, and pursuant to Art. 13 of the same article, the designated postal operator is the postal operator with an obligation to provide universal services.


Obligations of the designated postal operator introducing dangerous goods into the mail in accordance with point 2.3 of Part 1 of the Technical Instructions.

Pursuant to Art. 19 paragraph 1 of the Act of 5 August 2022 on the transport of dangerous goods by air, the designated postal operator monitors the introduction of dangerous goods to mail transported by air on the territory of the Republic of Poland and for this purpose has:

1) the procedure for training the personnel of the designated postal operator under the terms of art. 21 paragraph 2 of this Act;

2) the procedure of reporting accidents, incidents and events to the President of the CAA, taking into account the provisions of Chapter 7 of this Act

3) taking into account the procedures set out in the World Postal Convention (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1522), documents specifying:

a) the method of providing customers, at postal delivery points, with information on restrictions on the transport of dangerous goods by air,

b) the method of providing mass customers with information of dangerous goods,

c) the method of informing in contracts for the provision of postal services concluded with mass customers about the rules concerning admission to postal transport and the transport of dangerous goods by air,

d) the procedure for the acceptance by the staff of the designated postal operator of dangerous goods approved for transport by air in accordance with Part 1, Chapter 2 of the Technical Instructions,

e) the procedure for placing information about shipper and labeling on postal items containing dangerous goods,

 f) handling of postal items containing dangerous goods not approved for air transport;

4) the procedure in case of an emergency situation understood as an accident or incident, taking into account the provisions of Chapter 7;

5) a document specifying the method of archiving documents relating to the transport  of postal consignments containing dangerous goods, including checklist for dry ice;

6) procedures to ensure that the state or air operator exemptions contained in Annex 3 to the Technical Instructions are complied with;

7) methods of adapting procedures to changes introduced in the Technical Instructions.


Approval of the President of the Civil Aviation Authority

The procedures, ways and methods are approved by the President of the CAA.

Approval of the procedures, ways and methods is granted at the request of the designated postal operator after the formal assessment of the application and the conformity assessment of the documentation attached to it in accordance with Part S-1, Chapter 3 of the Supplement to the Technical Instructions and Part 1, Chapter 2 of the Technical Instructions.

The designated postal operator display, in conspicuous places at postal delivery points, written or graphical information regarding the restrictions on the transport of dangerous goods by air



The application includes:

a)  name of the designated postal operator;

b) head office

c) address.

Attachment to the application

a) the procedures, ways and methods specified in point 1;

b) proof of payment.

The application and the attached documentation should be submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority by:

  • In person:

Punkt Obsługi Klienta Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego  

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

  • by post:

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego  

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

  • faxem:

+48 22 520 73 00

  • epuap:


  • e-mail:



Fee for administrative procedures:

Pursuant to Art. 42  paragraph 5 of this Act, the amount of the fee for official activities performed by the President of the CAA in connection with granting the approval referred to in Art. 19 paragraph 2 - is PLN 1,200 each time.

The fee should be paid to the account of the Civil Aviation Authority:

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

NBP O/O Warszawa

31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000


Transfer title:  Dangerous Goods Approval of the designated postal operator 

Pursuant to Art. 44 of this Act, the fee shall be paid irrespective of the result of the official action.

Failure to pay the fee results in leaving the case without examination.



Pursuant to Art. 19 paragraph 7 the President of the Civil Aviation Authority approves the procedures, ways and methods referred to  paragraph 1, of an administrative decision.


Approval refusal:

Pursuant to Art. 19 paragraph 7 the President of the Civil Aviation Authority refuses approval of the procedures, ways and methods referred to paragraph 1, of an administrative decision.


Obligations of the designated postal operator who does not introduce dangerous goods into the mail in accordance with point 2.3 of Part 1 of the Technical Instructions

Pursuant to Art. 20 of this Act, the designated postal operator which does not introduce dangerous goods into mail transported by air, is obliged to train the personnel in the scope specified in the Technical Instructions.

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