09.01.2024 Aktualizacja: 18.03.2024

Exemption for Transport of Dangerous Goods

Pursuant to Art. 5 of the Act of August 5, 2022 on The Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (item 1715), it is allowed to transport dangerous goods by air, the transport of which is prohibited in accordance with point 4.2 of Annex 18 and Part 1 of the Technical Instructions , subject to obtaining an exemption from the President of the CAA - in accordance with point 2.1.3 of Annex 18 and Part 1, Chapter 1 of the Technical Instructions.

In order to obtain an exemption in accordance with Art. 8 of this Act, the application shall be submitted no later than 20 days before the planned date of departure. The deadline for submitting the application does not apply to flights related to:

  • humanitarian aid,
  • saving of life and health
  • disaster relief,
  • environmental relief,
  • state defense
  • public safety

Application for download:

Application exemption ver.1 2022


Attachments for the application:

  • a dangerous goods transport document prepared in accordance with the requirements of Part 5, Chapter 4 of the Technical Instructions;
  • Air Operators Certificate (AOC) or equivalent, authorizing the transport of dangerous goods by air;
  • document confirming the nature of the flight - in case the flight is connected with:
  • humanitarian aid,
  • saving of life and health
  • disaster relief,
  • environmental relief,
  • state defense
  • public safety
  • proof of payment
  • pursuant to Art. 42 paragraph 7 the fees are not collected for the official activities performed by the President of the CAA in the case of flights related to:
  • humanitarian aid
  • saving of life and health
  • assistance in connection with a natural disaster
  • flights performed for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland
  • in this case, documents confirming the nature of the flight are required.

Administrative fee:

In cases not specified above, pursuant to Art. 42 (3) the amount of the fee for official activities performed by the President of the CAA in connection with the granting of the exemption referred to in Art. 5 points 2 - is PLN 6,000 for each planned flight.

The fee should be paid to the account of the Civil Aviation Authority:

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

NBP O/O Warszawa

31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000


Transfer title:  Exemption DG, flight date, routing

The President of the CAA, guided by the need  to ensure safe transport of dangerous goods, may oblige the applicant to submit, within the prescribed period, additional data and documents necessary to grant the requested exemption. Documents may be submitted in the form of copies.

The application with attached documents can be delivered by:

  • personally:

Punkt Obsługi Klienta Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego  

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

  • by post:

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego  

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

  • faxem:

+48 22 520 73 00

  • epuap:


  • e-mail:


The application as well as additional documents may be submitted both in Polish and in English.



Pursuant to Art. 8 paragraph 7  the President of the Civil Aviation Authority grants an exemption if the safety of the transport of dangerous goods by air is equivalent to the safety referred to the Annex 18 and  the Technical Instructions, and the requirements specified in Art. 8 paragraph 3 to 5 of this Act. Pursuant to Art. 9 paragraph 1 the exemption is granted within 20 days from the date of receipt of the complete application. An exemption is made in writing and it is sent in paper or by fax, and if the applicant indicates such an address for service - to the electronic address.

The  exemption is granted for a specific flight and is valid for 30 days from the planned date of performing of flight.


Refusal to grant exemption

Pursuant to Art. 9 paragraph 1, the President of the CAA shall refuse to grant an exemption within 20 days from the date of receipt of a complete application. Refusal to grant an exemption shall be made in writing and sent in paper or by fax, and if the applicant indicates such an address for service - to the e-mail address.


Power of attorney (applicant residing abroad or established abroad)

Pursuant to Art. 8 paragraph 9, the applicant may act through an attorney.

The provisions of Art. 32, Art. 33, Art. 40 paragraph 2 and art. 41 of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2021, items 735, 1491 and 2052 and of 2022, item 1301) shall apply.

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