09.01.2024 Aktualizacja: 20.01.2025

List of Shippers

Shippers of the air consignment containing dangerous goods


Pursuant to Article 2 point 9 of the Act of August 5, 2022 on the transport of dangerous goods by air (item 1715), the shipper is a natural person signed under the transport document or other document accompanying the shipment.


Shipper responsibilities:

The shipper responsibility for the transport of shipments containing dangerous goods is set out in Chapter 4 of this Act. Pursuant to Art. 15, before sending a shipment for transport by air, the shipper is obliged to:

  • check that dangerous goods are not prohibited for transport by air in all circumstances, taking into account Part 1, Chapter 2 of the Technical Instructions;
  • obtain the approval referred to 5 points 1 or 3, if required;
  • classify dangerous goods materials in accordance with the requirements specified in Part 2 of the Technical Instructions;
  • pack dangerous goods in accordance with the requirements specified:
  1. a) Part 1, Chapter 2, Parts 3 and 4 of the Technical Instructions and;
  2. b) in Part 6 of the Technical Instructions, if applicable to these dangerous goods;
  • label the shipment in English and in languages that may be required by the country of origin, also label the shipment with regard to dangerous goods, in accordance with the requirements set out in Parts 3 and 4, in Part 5, Chapter 2 and 3 and Part 6 , Chapter 2 of the Technical Instructions;
  • if at least one consignment is contained in an overpack, use an overpack containing only consignments of dangerous goods allowed for transport by air, in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 5, Chapter 1 of the Technical Instructions, and label the overpack in English and in languages that may be required by the country of origin and labeled in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 5, Chapter 2 of the Technical Instructions;
  • complete and sign the transport document for dangerous goods in English and in languages that may be required by the country of origin, in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 5, Chapter 4 of the Technical Instructions.


Requirements concerning shippers

The above-mentioned act of law also lays down requirements for shippers. According to Art. 16  of this Act., the shipper who sends the dangerous goods from the territory of the Republic of Poland, is obliged to successfully complete the training on the terms specified in the Act and meet the training requirements specified in the Technical Instructions, appropriate for the shipper.

Pursuant to Article 21 (2) of this Act, training is valid for 24 months from the last day of the month in which the training was completed and is conducted in accordance with the following rules:

1) is conducted by an instructor;

2) the scope of the training is:

  1. a) included in the training program framework which, in the case of training of the air operator's personnel, complies with the operator's training program approved by the President of the Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with ORO.GEN.110 of Regulation No 965/2012 / EU,
  2. b) compliant with the scope of approval granted to the instructor by the President of the CAA , in accordance with Art. 23 (2) of this Act.;

3) is finished and successfully completed by the trainee prior to the commencement of his duties;

4) is appropriate for the duties performed by the trainee, in accordance with the subject of the training courses specified in the Technical Instructions, and includes at least:

  1. a) general training - which acquaints the trainee with the issue of transport of dangerous goods by air, including the provisions of Annex 18,
  2. b) specialist training for individual positions - which provides detailed knowledge of the requirements applicable to a person trained in the position for which he is responsible,
  3. c) safety training - which provides knowledge of the hazards posed by dangerous goods, their safe handling and emergency procedures;

5) ends with an examination conducted by the instructor.

Article 16 of this Act additionally imposes an obligation on shipper to be entered in the list of shippers.

List of shippers

In order to be entered into the list of shippers, a copy of the document confirming successful completion of the training, as well as the application for entry in the list of shippers, must be provided to the President of the CAA  within 7 days from the date of its receipt.

Document confirming completion of the training issued before 01/10/2022 – must meet the requirements specified in the ICAO Technical Instruction DOC 9284 :

  • The individual`s name
  • The most recent training completion month
  • A description, copy or reference to training materials used to meet the training requirements
  • The name and address of the organization providing the training
  • Evidence which shows that a test has been completed satisfactorily

Document confirming completion of training issued after 01/10/2022 – must meet the requirements of the Act of  August 5th, 2022 on the transport of hazardous materials by air, Article 21 point 9:

  • Name and last name
  • Instructor`s name and last name
  • Date and place of training
  • The scope of the training program as defined in the Technical Instruction
  • Information about the exam result – percentage

The shipper attaches to the notification the proof of payment. Based on Article. 42 ( 4.) of this Act, official activities performed by the President of the CAA in connection with the entry into the list of shippers are subject to a fee of PLN 350.

The fee should be paid to the account of the Civil Aviation Authority:

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

NBP O/O Warszawa

31 1010 1010 0022 9322 3100 0000


Transfer title:  Entry into the list of shippers – First & Last Name

Invoices, bills & certificates

Fees paid to the Civil Aviation Authority including the fee for official activities - are non-tax budgetary charges, which are paid by the CAA to the state budget. They are submitted on the basis of applicable law and the act of 5 August 2022 on the transport of dangerous goods by air, which sets out the rules and procedure for their submission, which is the basis of these payments. These fees are not collected in connection with the conducted business activity, because the Civil Aviation Authority does not conduct such fees, but in connection with the statutory designation of the ULC as a government administration body competent for their collection. For the above reasons, no invoices, bills or certificates are issued in relation to the fees paid to the CAA - as is the case with other public levies (eg. in respect of personal or corporate income tax).

The shipper may also agree to the publication of a telephone number and electronic address.

The application with attached documents may by submitted by:

  • personally:

Punkt Obsługi Klienta Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego  

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

  • by post:

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego  

Ul. Marcina Flisa 2

02-247 Warszawa

  • faxem:

+48 22 520 73 00

  • epuap:


  • e-mail:



Application for download

docxApplication_shippers549.77 KB

The President of the CAA enters the shipper into the list of shippers on the basis of the notification and a copy of the document confirming the successful completion of the training, within 14 days from the date of their receipt.

The shipper is obliged to notify the President of CAA of a change in the data published in the shipper list within 14 days from the date of the change. The President of CAA shall take into account the change of the data published in the shipper list within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notification. The President of CAA shall delete the shipper from the list of shippers within 14 days from the date of the training expiration validity.

The list of shippers is public and is subject to publication on the website of the Civil Aviation Authority provided that the telephone number and e-mail address of the shipper are published only if the shipper submits the consent referred to in Art. 17 (2) of the Act.


List of shippers

pdfList of Shippers - 20.01.20253.42 MB

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