20.11.2020 Aktualizacja: 20.11.2020

BREXIT - Update

The Civil Aviation Authority of Poland kindly reminds the air carriers that due to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the transition period in which the EU law applies to air transport services performed by carriers on routes between Poland and the United Kingdom will have expired by 31st December 2020.

Thus, as of 1st January 2021, depending on the results of the ongoing negotiations on the future Comprehensive Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom, it will be necessary to obtain a prior permission from the British Civil Aviation Authority to operate air services (scheduled and / or non-scheduled) to / from the territory of the United Kingdom.

Below you may find the contact details of the British Civil Aviation Authority, where the air carriers shall refer to in the event of the planned commencement or continuation of air services on routes from Poland to the United Kingdom after the end of the transition period:

Email: foreigncarrierpermits@caa.co.uk

Tel .: + 44 (0) 33 013 83484

Fax: + 44 (0) 207 453 6322

Below you may also find links to useful information available at the websites of the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority:



Bearing in mind any special requirements, including possible deadlines for submitting applications for permissions, which may result from the domestic law of the United Kingdom, in the case of planning to operate air services from 1st January 2021 onwards, we recommend that you contact the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority as soon as possible and start the required procedures for obtaining the necessary permissions.

In addition, we kindly remind you that in order to perform scheduled (regular) air transport (passengers, cargo, mail) from the territory of Poland to the United Kingdom, the Community air carrier must also obtain a prior Authorization from the President of the Polish Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with the provisions of article 191 item 2 of the Polish Aviation Law. The application for Authorization shall be submitted to the President of the Polish Civil Aviation Authority at least 30 days before the planned start date of air services. In the case of planned start / continuation of scheduled services on 1st January 2021, the deadline for submitting the application for Authorization is 2nd December 2020.

Information on the conditions for obtaining the Authorization is available at the website of the Civil Aviation Authority of Poland at the following link:


At the same time, we would like to inform you that non-scheduled (charter) air transport services by Community carriers on routes from the territory of Poland to the United Kingdom do not require any additional permission / authorization from the President of the Polish Civil Aviation Authority.

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