10.05.2023 Aktualizacja: 16.05.2023

Safety Performance Indicators SPIs – gap forms for aviation entities

Polish State Safety Plan 2017-2020 establishes first set of Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs), which on the basis of separate regulations should be developed by aviation entities subject to the obligation to measure the safety level (Safety Performance Monitoring).

These entities include air training centers and air operators (complex organizations), public airport administrators and air navigation service providers - obliged to have an implemented Safety Management System (SMS).

The President of CAA encourages the participation in this project also those entities that today have no obligation to measure the level of safety. The quarterly publication of the average SPI values will allow to assess the risk trends and provide information on the level of safety on a national scale. A larger share of entities reporting values of indicators will allow a more complete picture of the situation, and thus more precise preventive actions without involving too expensive resources and resources, both on the part of aviation entities and the State budget.

In the first edition, the SPIs values are indicated as quarterly. Air operators should submit quarterly SPIs values from the organization within 2 weeks after the end of each quarter.

In order to simplify the transfer of this data to the maximum, air operators should transfer the SPIs values to the following e-mail address:

For simplicity, the following forms have been prepared in .XLSX (Excel) format that just fill in the indicated fields. The SPI value generation is done automatically.

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