
Title Modified Date
Conference "Civil and Military aviation in the Single European Sky" under the auspices of the President of the CAA 30.03.2015
ICAO Environmental Seminars in Warsaw for EUR/NAT Region 27.03.2015
GLADs meeting dedicated to the reduction of CO2 emissions in civil aviation 12.03.2015
The Council of ICAO appointed the new Secretary General of ICAO 12.03.2015
Upcoming Meetings, Seminars and Sport Events - Infographics 27.02.2015
European Aviation Safety Agency Management Board (EASA MB) Meeting 27.02.2015
The number of valid licences and certificates of qualification issued by the CAA (infographics) 23.12.2014
Polish student took part in the Model Session of ICAO Council within the joint project of CAA and ICAO 18.12.2014
Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Chicago 18.12.2014
President of the CAA Piotr Ołowski nominated a Vice Chairman of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Management Board 18.12.2014

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